Saturday 4 June 2011

The diet of a traveller. I eats what I cans afford!

Some stuff I eat.

Free pies

Chicken in a tin

Leftovers from ze badgerhamster
(beer drinking bastard)

Yellow curry Tuna in a tin with a snickers and a piece of bread.

And any other free shit I can get

And my mother wonders why I've lost some weight.

So thats what I have been eating and here is a list of stuff I can't afford.....

Fish and chips with pepper and lemon from a shaker! Holy shit batman this was amazing!

(ok I did have this but won't be buying it again!)

Jack Daniels special edition birthday bottles :-(

Hot chocolate with marshmallows


Hokey pokey kiwi eggs....

Ok maybe not the last one but I wanted to try it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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